Phoenix Collegiate

History EBACC

Why should you choose History

History is a very popular subject at Phoenix, delivered by a dedicated selection of staff. This well trained team will develop your historical skills using a variety of learning activities from group work, roleplay, written work to independent research.  You will have the opportunity to delve into the past exploring key historical events and themes like Medicine through Time, The Civil Rights Movement, The Cold War and The Normans.  Past results have proven how students have made excellent progress at GCSE and if you choose the subject we can offer you the same level of attainment.


Career Options

Researcher, historian, archaeologist, teacher, journalist, lawyer, data analyst and many more!


What else could you get out of History?

It is excellent preparation for many jobs, employers and universities value History very highly and the skills you are taught.  You are taught to think and then make up your own mind.  It gives you an insight into peoples’ lives and current issues.


How is the course assessed?

There will be three exams at the end of year 11 which you will be assessed on:  

Paper 1: 1 Hour 20 minutes – Medicine in Britain c1250-present & Injuries treatment and the trenches.

Paper 2: 1 Hour 50 minutes – The Cold War & The Normans.

Paper 3 – 1 Hour 30 minutes – USA: Conflict at home and abroad.



Attitudes to Learning

Strong Work Ethic,  ability to work with others,  an enjoyment of History, ability to work independently and a desire to succeed.

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