We understand that choosing the right school is an important and sometimes difficult decision, for that reason we urge all parents/carers and future students to visit the school to find out what Phoenix is all about. Talking to senior staff, teachers, support staff and students; taking part in taster activities, touring the school and observing lessons will give you the chance to see what makes Phoenix the right choice for your child.
Please telephone the school on 0121 588 8384 and ask for Mrs Wilde (Assistant Head teacher) to arrange a visit.
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3 offers a rich, vibrant and exciting curriculum for all of our students, which goes well beyond the National Curriculum. The curriculum at Phoenix is constructed to provide our students with a very sound grasp of literacy and numeracy skills, whilst encouraging creativity, intellectual curiosity and independence. Students are taught in classes where individual needs can be met and where learning is fun. We are proud of our warm, caring environment which enables students to have confidence in themselves while supporting each other in a secure, close-knit community. For students who need additional support on first arrival, we have an excellent foundation curriculum supported by specialised staff.
Sixth Form
The Sixth Form at Phoenix combines the desire for academic success with the creation of confident, self-motivated and independent young people. It provides a wide range of opportunities for all students, whatever their interests, aptitudes and abilities; enabling them to secure their higher education destination of choice, or progress their career aspirations.
Our Online Prospectus can be found here.
If your child has specific needs please contact the school and ask to talk to our SEND team who can offer specific support information.Application process
As your child is about to transfer to Secondary School, it is important that you have clear up-to-date information about the schools available to you in Sandwell. The local authority has prepared a booklet (download from the link below) to show you how to apply for a school place and answer some questions that you may have about the way admissions work.
All Sandwell school applications are now “coordinated” with neighbouring Local Authorities. This means that you can apply for a place within the borough or one which is outside of Sandwell. This is explained in detail later in the booklet. Please read the information leaflet and your application form very carefully as it may contain answers to questions you have about the admissions process.
You can view this booklet online at and also make your application online.