Phoenix Collegiate

Sixth Form

Phoenix would like to welcome you to our vibrant, warm and successful Sixth Form.  Our Sixth Form boasts 230 students who have selected our school as the destination to continue their studies.

Whilst the majority of our GCSE students automatically move into our Sixth Form, we are finding that more students are joining us from other local school and colleges.

We are proud of our pastoral provision, that includes a Sixth Form Learning Mentor and Connexions Career Advisor, to support our students throughout their time at Phoenix.

In Sixth Form, students are part of a successful, happy and thriving community, leaving with a combination of excellent academic and personal qualifications.  Each year, many of our Year 13 students progress on to university, including going to Russell Group universities, to study a range of subjects from medicine, to business management.  Our extensive Information, Advice, Guidance and Enrichment Programme ensures all students are fully prepared for the next stage of their journey, whether the world of work, apprenticeships or further studies.

The principles upon which the individual programmes of all Sixth Form learners are developed ensure that we fully meet the requirements of 16 - 19 study programmes.

The over-riding criteria governing the development of each learner’s programme of study is to maximise progression to the next stage of their education, employment or apprenticeship.

Study programmes are tailored to individuals, but will typically combine the following elements:

  • Substantial academic, applied or vocational qualifications that stretch students and link clearly to training, employment and / or higher education.
  • English and Mathematics; where students have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4.
  • Work experience to give them the opportunity to develop their career choices and to apply their skills in real working conditions.
  • Other non-qualification activities to develop their character, skills, attitudes and confidence, and to support progression.

Enrichment and Student Leadership

The Phoenix Collegiate has a strong tradition of providing students with opportunities to develop their transferable skills and develop their employability profiles through Student Leadership.

The Sixth Form Student Leadership Team is structured with two overall leaders, supported by their two deputies and a team of ambassadors.  The Head students and deputies are chosen from the current Year 13 cohort through a rigorous application, interview and presentation process.  Students from both year groups then get the opportunity to act as house ambassadors.  There are two Head Teacher Ambassadors from Year 13, who support the coordination of the roles, alongside 2 students from each house, 14 in total, which completes the team.  These house captains / ambassadors link into the lower school leadership structure in order to ensure the seamless development of opportunities and initiatives to enhance the whole school student experience.

Throughout the year, this team lead upon a range of initiatives including, but not exclusively:

  • Charity and fundraising opportunities for the Sixth Form.
  • Opportunities to mentor and support the lower school in Numeracy and Literacy.
  • The development of Sixth Form subject sessions during lunchtimes.
  • The development of clubs and enrichment initiatives for Sixth Form, including sporting activities.
  • The development of our bi-annual Sixth Form Cultural Day, to celebrate diversity within our Sixth Form body.

Students also get the same enrichment opportunities as lower school, where they are able to take part in the Combined Cadet Force, undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award, as well as being offered the opportunity to gain a Level 2 qualification in Leadership.